
Exhibitions / Performances

2024 – Le Son 7 – Sound Art Gallery – New York, USA

2023 – #9 (Noise Body Series) – Marina Abramovic Institute Takeover Southbank Center – Curators: Marina Abramovic, Paula Garcia, Thanos Argyropoulos, Serge Le Borgne and Billy Zhao – Southbank Center, London

2023 – Chão da Praça: Obras do acervo da Pinacoteca – Curators: Ana Maria Maia e Yuri Quevedo – Pinacoteca Contemporânea, São Paulo

2022 – Le Son 7 – Sound Art Gallery – London, England

2022 – Moebius Mom and Mam – Curator: Stephanie Seungmin Kim – Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul – Korea

2021 – A máquina do mundo: Arte e indústria no Brasil 1901 – 2021 – Curator: José Augusto Ribeiro – Pinacoteca of São Paulo State, São Paulo

2021 – Não vamos para marte II – Curator: Galciani Neves – Jaqueline Martins Gallery, São Paulo

2020 – “Art must be Beautiful, Artist must be Beautiful” – Artists: Fabiana de Barros (1957, São Paulo), Liliana Porter (1941, Buenos Aires), Regina Silveira (1939, Porto Alegre), Rochelle Costi (1961, Caxias do Sul), Marina Abramovic (1946, Belgrado, Servia), Paula Garcia (1975, São Paulo) – Luciana Brito Galeria, São Paulo.

2020 – CRU / RAW – Performance – ARCA, São Paulo.

2020 – Comigo ninguém pode – Curator: Mirtes Marins –  Artists: Amelia Amorim Toledo, Ana Mazzei, Letícia Parente, Lydia Okumura, Maria Noujaim, Marta Minujín, Martha Araújo, Paula Garcia and Regina Valter. Jaqueline Martins Gallery, São Paulo.

2019 – Mulheres em Cena – Curator: Priscila Arantes – Pinacoteca de Botucatu e Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Ribeirão Preto. Artists: Coletivo Cartográfico, Cristina Elias, Grasiele Sousa, Lenora de Barros, Letícia Parente, Katia Maciel, Lia Chaia, Márcia Beatriz Granero, Milena Travassos, Musa Michelle Mattiuzzi, Paula Garcia and Regina Parra.

2018 – Resistance – Artists: Fabiana de Barros & Michel Favre, Liliana Porter, Marina Abramović, Paula Garcia, Regina Silveira e Rochelle Costi – Luciana Brito Gallery, São Paulo

2016 – Noise Body – Documentary – Produced by: Mão Direita – Marco del Fiol – Directed by: Gustavo Almeida

2015 – A Curious Blindness – Curators: Vivian Chui, Tara Kuruvilla and Doris Zhao – The Wallach Art Gallery, New York

2015 – Terra Comunal / Marina Abramovic + MAI – Curators: Marina Abramovic and Paula Garcia – SESC Pompeia, São Paulo

2014 – The artist is an explorer – Curator: Marina Abramovic – Beyeler Foundation, Basel

2014 – Red Night – Curator: Robert Wilson – Triennale Design Museum, Milan

2013 – Arquivo Vivo – Curator: Priscila Arantes – Paço das Artes, São Paulo

2013 – 7 Biennial El Museo del Barrio – Curators: Chus Martinez / Rocío Aranda-Alvarado / Raúl Zamudio – El Barrio Museum, New York

2013 – The body is the medium – SParte – Curator: Marina Lorenzi, São Paulo

2012 – Open Houses – Watermill Center – Walter Mill, New York

2012 – The Big Bang : The 19th Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit – Walter Mill, New York

2011 – 17º International Festival of Contemporary Art Videobrasil_SESC – SESC Belenzinho, São Paulo

2011 – Performa Paço – Paço das Artes – Curator: Lucio Agra

2010 – 6th edition of the Annual Performance – Vermelho Gallery, São Paulo

2010 – “Expanded Gallery” – Luciana Brito Gallery – Curator: Christine Mello, São Paulo

2009 – “Change” – Escola São Paulo – Curator: Nancy Betts, São Paulo

2009 – Exhibition of video – Faculdade Santa Marcelina, São Paulo

2008 – Virada Cultural – May 24 SESC, São Paulo

2008 – Project Video Tripod – SESC, São Paulo

2007 – Exhibition of video – Faculdade Santa Marcelina, Sao Paulo

2007 – Mostravideo Itaú Cultural – Curator: Marcos Moraes, Belo Horizonte, Belem do Pará

2005 – “Ravenous, grotesque and evil” – Paço das Artes – Curator: Christine Mello, São Paulo

2004 – “House of Sweets” – Unicamp – Curator: Regina Johas, Campinas

2004 – “Anita”, D.A. – FAAP – Sao Paulo

2003 – Hotspot – Faculdade Anhembi Morumbi, Sao Paulo

1999 – Performance – Show Sukorski Wilson – SESC Vila Mariana, São Paulo

1998 – “Mundão – SESC Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo

1997 – “Arte Cidade 3” – Factory Matarazzo, Sao Paulo

Public Collection

Photo – #3 (Noise Body series) – Pinacoteca of São Paulo State – São Paulo


2024 – Marina Abramovic Institute Takeover Adelaide Festival – Curators: Marina Abramovic, Paula Garcia, Thanos Argyropoulos, Serge Le Borgne and Billy Zhao – Adelaide Festival, Adelaide

2023 – Marina Abramovic Institute Takeover Southbank Center – Curators: Marina Abramovic, Paula Garcia, Thanos Argyropoulos, Serge Le Borgne and Billy Zhao – Southbank Center, London

2022 – No Intermission – Curators: Paula Garcia (Lead curator), Marina, Abramovic, Thanos Argyropoulos, Serge Le Borgne and Billy Zhao – Royal Theatre Carré – Amsterdam, Netherlands

2020 – OPYUM – Video Performance Festival – Artists: Kelton Campos Fausto and Yiannis Pappas – Paris, France

2020 – Curação – Curators: Paula Garcia, Monique Lemos e Caroline Ricca Lee – Centro Cultural São Paulo – São Paulo, Brazil

2020 –  Akış / Flux – Sakip Sabanci Museum + MAI  – Curators: Paula Garcia and Serge Le Borgne – SSM, Istanbul – Turkey

2018 – A Possible Island? – Bangkok Art Biennale + MAI – Curators: Paula Garcia and Serge Le Borgne – BACC, Bangkok – Thailand

2018 – São Paulo Art Fair / SP-Arte – Curator of performance program – São Paulo – Brazil

2017 – Meio-Fio Project – Curator – Artistas: Alexandre Heberte, Linn da Quebrada e Tasha e Tracie Okereke – SP-Arte, São Paulo – Brazil

2017 – São Paulo Art Fair / SP-Arte – Curator of performance program – São Paulo – Brazil

2016 – As One – 2016 – As One – NEON + MAI – Curators: Marina Abramovic, Serge Le Borgne and Paula Garcia – Benaki Museum, Athens – Greece

2015 – Terra Comunal / Marina Abramovic + MAI – Curators: Marina Abramovic and Paula Garcia – SESC Pompeia, São Paulo – Brazil

2014 – PerformaPaço – Combinations – Curators: Paula Garcia and Corrine Fitzpatrick – Paço das Artes, São Paulo – Brazil

2010 – Expanded Gallery – Assistant curator of Christine Mello – Luciana Brito Gallery, São Paulo – Brazill

Award committee

2023 – Member of Award Committee of 53 FAAP Anual of Art, São Paulo – Brazil


Since 2018 (In progress) teaching Cleaning the House Workshop – Workshop created by Marina Abramovic – Karyes, Greece

2024 – Laboratories of Perceptions – Master class with Paula Garcia and Arti Grabowski – Grotowski Institute – Wroclaw, Poland

Artist Residency

2012 – International Summer Program – Watermill Center – Walter Mill, New York – USA


2016 – Produced with Mão Direita short documentary “Noise Body” – Director: Gustavo Almeida

2012 – Participated in the documentary “Shoot Yourself” – Director: Paula Alzugaray e Ricardo Van Steen

Academic Background

2023 – (In progress) – PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC in São Paulo – Brazil

2007/2009 – Master in Visual Arts – Faculdade Santa Marcelina, São Paulo – Brazil

2002/2005 – Degree in Fine Arts – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, São Paulo – Brazil

Main Qualifications

1996 – Michael Howard Studio – Performing Arts, New York – USA

1993/1995 – Theatre School Célia Helena, São Paulo – Brazil

Professional Background

In progress – Since 2013 works as curator for Marina Abramovic Institute

2016 – Associate producer of the movie: The Space in Between – Marina Abramovic and Brazil

2014/2015 – Collaboration and coordination of Marina Abramovic exhibitions at SESC in São Paulo

2012 – Produced objects in Brazil for this two exhibition of Marina Abramovic: The Abramovic Method (PAC) and With closed eyes I see Happiness (Lia Rumma Gallery) in Milan.

2011 – Professor in the post graduate course Curator and Cultural Management Practices in Santa Marcelina College in São Paulo.

2011 – Production of three books in the Collection Permanent Forum

2008/2010 – Coordinator of the projects of Visual Arts of the Spanish Cultural Center in São Paulo – AECID

2007 – Publication in the Electronic Journal Faqmagazine – 4 e 5 Editions

2007 – Paintings from the artist’s work Clorindo Testa – Biennial of the End of the World – Ushuaia, Argentina

2003/2008 – Executive Producer – Arte3

2003/2007 – Publication of illustrations in magazines Simples and Mag!

2003/2007 – Creation of print for brands: Alexandre Herchcovitch, Ellus, Neon, and Cori Amonstro

2003 – Painting of a work by Sol LeWitt in a residence of Edemar Cid Ferreira – São Paulo

1999/2001 – Worked with José Celso Martinez Corrêa in a play Cacilda!

Paula Garcia
São Paulo, 1975. Live and work in São Paulo.

Artist and PHD researcher at PUC in São Paulo. Holds a master’s degree in Visual Arts from FASM-SP and a Bachelor of Arts from FAAP. Her research and artistic experiences focus on live art practice. She has worked as an artist, independent curator  and artistic collaborator at MAI – Marina Abramovic Institute since 2012. Selected works: MAI Takeover – Southbank Center , London (2023); RAW –  Arca Spaces , São Paulo (2020); Terra Comunal – Marina Abramovic + MAI – Curator: Marina Abramovic and Paula Garcia – SESC Pompéia, São Paulo (2015); The artist is an explorer – Curator: Marina Abramovic – Beyeler Foundation, Basel (2014); 7 Biennial El Museo del Barrio – Curators: Chus Martinez / Rocío Aranda-Alvarado / Raúl Zamudio – El Barrio Museum, New York (2013/2014); The Big Bang : The 19th Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit – Curator: Robert Wilson – Walter Mill, New York (2012); 17º International Festival of Contemporary Art Videobrasil SESC – SESC Belenzinho – SP; Performa Paço in Paço das Artes – SP – (2011); 6th edition of the Exhibition Annual Performance Vermelho Gallery – SP (2010),  Expanded Gallery  at Luciana Brito Gallery – SP (2010). Selected curatorial projects: No Intermission – Carré Royal Theater, Amsterdam (2020); Curação – Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo (2020); Akış / Flux – Sakip Sabanci Museum + MAI  – Curators: Paula Garcia and Serge Le Borgne – SSM, Istanbul – Turkey;  A Possible Island? – Bangkok Art Biennale + MAI – Curators: Paula Garcia and Serge Le Borgne – BACC, Bangkok – Thailand (2018); SP-Arte – Curator of performance program – São Paulo – Brazil (2018);  As One – NEON + MAI – Curators: Serge Le Borgne and Paula Garcia – Benaki Museum, Athens – Greece (2016);


My research as an artist in the last years consisted in developing an art procedure that I entitled Corpo Ruído (Noise Body). This practice operates with the capacity of those devices of the senses that can generate a destabilization of the idea of a body that experience. I chose to operate on the aforementioned devices, because the latter are capable of producing distortions that can affect the usual understanding of an experience, by bringing about an alternative perceptive experience of an environment. In my practice I have created a series of performances in which I cover all my body with very strong magnets, while I have others performers cover these magnets with industrial iron scraps all the way until my body disappears under this trash. The concept of “Noise Body” represents a body that is defined by a sum of three factors: precariousness, uncertainty and risk.The magnets are elements of my work that serve to discuss the concept of forces. Not only of the invisible subjective kind, but also of the more evident, social type of forces that work to consolidate a system of power that ends up shaping things like bodies, feelings, subjectivities and truths. In these performances I try to showcase bodies in disassembly, crumbling. Ultimately, what I propose in my actions is a performative use of my body as “material support in which the forms of conflict are inscribed”.

In 2010 I focused into the curatorial studies and practices, combining my artistic research, developing projects and research together with performance curators, such as Marina Abramovic, Robert Wilson, Christine Mello and Chuz  Martinez. Working in important spaces, such as the Beyeler Foundation, Watermill Center, SESC Pompeia,  São Paulo Art Fair / SP-arte and other spaces in Brasil, Europe and Asia.

The curatorial exercise and practice became an important area of interest for me, as I saw a way there to make it feasible and viable to present projects of several artists that I had been accompanying through the years – operators of a language (performance) still ostracized from the great circuit – considering what I’ve been seeing throughout these recent years. In 2014 I became an associate curator for Marina Abramovic Institute (MAI), in which I had the opportunity to co-curate and produce important projects next to international artists and curators and even more, experimenting exhibition formats, which I believe, are more aligned to enhance the value of the artistic experiences, as we did during projects such as TERRA COMUNAL | Marina Abramovic + MAI in São Paulo (Brazil/2015), NEON + MAI | AS ONE held in Athens (Greece/2016), A Possible Island? held in Bangkok (Thailand/2018) and Akış / Flux – Sakip Sabanci Museum + MAI – SSM held in Istanbul (Turkey/2020) . In those projects, I worked closely with a total group of more than forty performers from different parts of the world.

Researching, producing and curating, whether with MAI or in independent projects in partnership with international culture centers and art institutions, I’ve dedicated myself to keep a profound exercise of promoting dialogue and an affectionate and professional approach with artists and among artists. The expansion of the potential and format of each exhibition project, commissioning and exhibiting performance works, and taking advantage of these opportunities, stimulating a close dialogue and artistic exchange between artists (curator-artist, artist-artist) became my main motivation to cultivate my curatorship research and work, which over the years has allowed me to establish and promote a broad network of performance artists and curators, active in various parts of the world.