Crumbling Body

The long durational performance held the 03/09/2015 to 05/10/2015 – Terra Comunal / Marina Abramovic + MAI – Curator: Marina Abramovic and Paula Garcia – SESC Pompeia in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The action confronts the sensations of heaviness and lightness to gather scrap metal with magnets. Walls and ceiling are impregnated with magnetic force; as the parts and debris spreading, a kind of inverted happens burial space. For two months, six days a week, eight hours a day, the artist works in this room throwing iron waste, up to 30 kilograms, at the walls and ceiling magnetized. After filling the walls and ceiling, the pieces are removed and placed in the center of the room and thrown on the walls and ceiling again, the action is repeated for two months.

Magnets “stick” irons without leaving residues through the magnetic force. Magnetism is present in many ways in our daily lives, by electromagnetic waves such as those found in stereos and transport. The magnets in my work are elements to discuss strengths, not only subjective but also social, working to consolidate a system of power that shapes bodies, feelings, subjectivity, truth … And what we see, in fact, are bodies in dismantling crumbling. In this action, the artist shows these forces, and at the same time, is modified by them due also a huge physical effort. The environment becomes the support on which different forms of conflict inscribe.